Dream Land

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Our Religion Islam

Hi and Assalamualaikum to all Muslim in this world . Today I want talk about Islam , Islam is it our religion right?
Okay , do you ever thought that you fulfill all the religion wanted ? yes or not ? then don't you ever thinking about your hair girl , are you cover your hair with HIJAB ? doesn't ?!?!? OMA(Oh My Allah) ! are you already  puberty ? then why you doesn't cover your hair ? don't you scare about  torments of hell ? hmm , just wear HIJAB ... if you feel hot yeah it is because hot weather right ? just be patient ! this is just world then when everyone die and there was day of Resurrection ! oh it is make me scare ! okay next ....

A Boy , A Man , An Old Man or how old are you  if you doesn't go to mosque for prayers in Friday day for (Friday prayers) for man or what ever if you are man is it compulsory to all man in this world if you did not do (Friday prayers) you will get sin and get free ticket to go to the HELL ! 

And don't use Islam as your religion if you did not fulfill what is required in Islam and then you do what is it ILLEGAL in Islam ! don't you think about when you die then you can't see the world forever and in that time you was in grave ! if you do many sins in this world you will get grave punishment , doesn't you think about that ?

AND THE LAST, I want remind you 

 Then End I hope from read this you all change your attitude to be a good or nice people in this world :D !
Hope you all enjoy reading !

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Hi, lps korang dh bace elly nyerr blog tolong komen yerr ! x susah pown hehheh :D